Sunday, January 25, 2009


  1. I love this video idea. I wish I would have though of it.

  2. i know i'm really impressed this is way cooler than i thought it would be

  3. SO i see that you had a lot of jeff in your video and not a lot of me..hmm? And I see that jeff didn't have high hopes for your vlog. I love it and knew it would rock111!!! Those ones should have been exclamation marks!

  4. These videos are great! They are hilarious. When I check my bloglines, I'm going to save you 'til last (that's a good thing).

  5. haha jeff had low expectations.

    but you're way cute. and i wish so much that i used my free time like you do. jossepi is hilarious and should be a movie star.

    and ps, you pick good music.
